'Our Lockdown Life has a sort of schizophrenic, Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde personality about it,' says Vaihayasi Pande Daniel.
Sreehari Nair lists some movies, documentaries, recorded-performance films, and literature and music suggestions that might help.
In a world now over-stuffed with comic-book movies, X-Men: Apocalypse is far from being the finest movie yet may well rank among the most comic-booky, feels Raja Sen.
These images prove we live in a wonderfully weird world.
As the Iraqi and American forces enter the final stages of the fight to take back Mosul from the Islamic State, 1 million people are expected to become refugees. This is what a modern-day mass exodus looks like.
All things taken into consideration, the Taliban statement on Kashmir portends trouble ahead. The Taliban is notorious for doublespeak and when it says there is no link between the Kashmir issue and the Afghan settlement, the opposite must be taken into account as well, points out Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.
Quentin Tarantino, declares Sreehari Nair, will be remembered as someone who made just two great movies, and who then brought misery upon himself.
'To treat a Hindu fleeing persecution and certain death in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan on par with a Muslim voluntarily sneaking into India for economic reasons or otherwise is callously cruel, blatantly perverse and grossly unjust.' 'The concept of equality cannot be invoked to perpetuate a historical wrong that needs to be righted,' argues Vivek Gumaste.
'Thanos,' says Sukanya Verma, 'is an embodiment of mindboggling power and profound darkness, consciously blurring the lines between method and madness, prophet and survivor, suffering and salvation.'
'The childhood urge to amass wealth may account for one's inexplicable urge to stockpile change, for there is nothing more gratifying than to lift a box heavy with one's treasure, more satisfying somehow than all the zeroes the Kochhars, Modis and Mallyas appear to have allegedly scammed our banks over,' says Kishore Singh.
After 20 plus years of threatening to offer us new sensations, Nagesh Kukunoor has finally let it rip, raves Sreehari Nair.
Aseem Chhabra salutes the late Italian Master and his cinema.
'There's zero emotion and logic in anything about Baaghi 2,' says Sukanya Verma.
Goalkeeper and captain Gianluigi Buffon announced his retirement as the Azzurris unable to qualify for first time since 1958.
Amid the sounds of gunbattle and bombs exploding, on Wednesday, the sound of music arose from the ruins of Mosul in Iraq, all thanks to one man -- Ameen Mukdad. The 28-year-old Iraqi violinist was responsible for a small concert in the city he was forced to flee by Islamic State militants.
'As the longest-lasting action hero, Cruise doesn't go down without a fight.' 'He throws in a quip here and there, runs like he's only ran in his last 20 movies, takes a whole lot of pounding from beauties and beasts, but The Mummy's garbled mythology and recycled imagery doesn't have the wits to complement his popping-from-the-veins enthusiasm,' says Sukanya Verma.
Neeraj Pandey's Aiyaary is the sort of spy fantasy story that drunks narrate in bars, says Sreehari Nair.
Trinamool leaders have claimed the NRC process and subsequent verification is vote bank politics. Other critics call it as modified ethnic cleansing. But putting poll rhetoric aside, the issue dates back to a time when many of these leaders had no political relevance.
'Sudhir Mishra takes us into the dreams and fears of our politicians, into their self-deceiving pitches, and he shows us their demons and angels,' says Sreehari Nair.
Here are some stories that your newspaper probably missed out on today.
Rajeev Srinivasan on why there is the strong possibility that this whole thing is an elaborate charade and how the mainstream might have just played into Trump's showman hands.
What if we made X-Men here in India?
We decided to have some fun imagining potential phobias of Bollywood's biggest stars and here are the results.
A homoeopathic state of mind pervades our thinking in governance and infrastructure-building. Do it in small, harmless doses, but nothing bitter, sharp, or bloody, says Shekhar Gupta.
Raja Sen picks his top 10 favourites from Coppola's cinematic vineyard.
'India's worst fears have come true because the Pakistan investigating team has, obediently and dutifully, done its masters' bidding by giving a clean chit to Pakistan, the Jaish, the ISI and all other well known actors,' says Rajeev Sharma.
Disney's The Jungle Book has taken the box office by storm.
'They are not affected by ISIS' sentiment of avenging the suffering of the global ummah.' 'They have a huge ummah of their own in India, a huge Muslim population.' 'And because of that, they have to take into consideration the political and social conditions of Muslims in India.' 'They have to express themselves in a more political way and not through terrorism.'
Several US businesses were hit by technological issues on July 8.
Everything about ISIS had indicated that this would be a violent Ramzan. A violent, divisive Ramzan sends out exactly the message that ISIS wants to send to religious Muslims outside its folds: It plays on their faith and fears, says writer Tabish Khair.
10 interesting facts about the Vatican and papacy
Pixels could very well be the most unremarkable Hollywood film of the year, says Paloma Sharma.
'India can rely on him to fight terrorism in all its forms, including Pakistan-sponsored outfits.'
Baahubali: The Conclusion doesn't enlarge the scope of the first picture or deepen its meaning, feels Sreehari Nair.
The markets stayed on edge last week due to the endless saga of Greece's problems.
The characters drawn for the 2016 film have an edge that wasn't present in the 1967 version. This is perhaps why The Jungle Book has been given an U/A certificate in India. For once, Pahlaj Nihalani may be right, feels Aseem Chhabra.
Left Behind is a film you need to leave behind, warns Paloma Sharma.
Zombie walks are relatively common in the United States. Some have been established as annual traditions, though others are organised as spontaneous flash mob events or performance art.
Sukanya Verma shares her exciting filmi week with us.